John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the Father except through me.”
Dear Women of ECC,
It is never too soon to be thinking of our Farmhouse Fair. The dates are early this year – Friday, November 1, and Saturday, November 2, 2024. A Farmhouse Fair workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:00p.m. in the Social Room. We will be making frosty snowmen jars (masonjars) in which to put candles.
Our next General Women’s Fellowship meeting and program will be in April. We have guests from the Ellington Historical Society who will be speaking about the history of Crystal Lake. The date is Sunday, April 14,2024 following worship. At Fellowship Hour we will get our refreshments,greet new members, and shortly after, enjoy the presentation on the history of Crystal Lake. Following the presentation, we invite all women to stay for a short business meeting.
We continue the process of discernment for a possible change from Women’s Fellowship to Fellowship for all adults. All of Women’s Fellowship is invited to participate in the decision as we move through discussion to an eventual vote in future months. At the April meeting, we are updating our Constitution and Bylaws to be in synch. The larger changes of the organization will not be determined, yet.
The applications for the two $500 scholarships offered each year byWomen’s Fellowship for higher education are due in the church office by May 1, 2024. Please plan accordingly. Late applications will not be accepted. There is a separate article in the Caller explaining how to apply.
Blessings, Penny Gates and Sharon McLaughlin, Co-Presidents