Dear Women of ECC,

We are beginning the second quarter of the year already with some very important days in front of us, starting with Holy Week – Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then jubilant Easter Sunday! We wish you all a very meaningful, spiritual Holy Week and Happy Easter!

The primary way (and most years the only way) that Women’s Fellowship has funds available is through the money raised at the Farmhouse Fair. We are so grateful that Jen Traynor has agreed to continue on for 2023 as the Chair of the Farmhouse Fair. Our $1,800 donation to the church budget; our scholarships; our donations to Safe Grad parties; food purchases for events like Game Day; new, thermal coffee-servers, commercial cleaning of the kitchen once a year – all of this and more is funded by the proceeds from our Annual Farmhouse Fair. We are very grateful to the support of the Fair
by our congregation. We are in need of a couple people to chair some rooms. One is Kids Corner – it is a place where children can purchase gifts for their families at very inexpensive prices and the other is entitled Everything Animals. Please see Jen Traynor or Penny Gates if you are willing to step up to chair a room.

The nominating process has begun for the next slate of Women’s Fellowship Executive Board officers. If you have any interest in joining us, please see Penny Gates.We will be electing a President and Vice President (or co-Presidents again), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, and Chaplin. We also have Chairs of Committees like the Program Chair and Hospitality open. Our officers are elected each year at our Annual Luncheon, which is scheduled for June 27, 2023 with details TBD. Save the date and plan to come!

Sacred Stitches meets on the third Thursday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to noon, and their next meeting is Thursday, April 20, 2023.Everyone who wants to sew is welcome to join. Please contact Jan Schaeffer at 860-875-5581 with any questions.

Our coat collection for hawkwing continues. Please place clean, gently-used coats in the bin in the narthex.

The applications for the two $500 scholarships offered each year by Women’s Fellowship for higher education are due in the church office by May 1, 2023. Please plan accordingly. Late applications will not be accepted. There is a separate article in the Caller explaining how to apply.

Our next Women’s Fellowship Executive Board meeting is Friday, April 14, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. on Zoom.

Penny Gates and Sharon McLaughlin, Co-Presidents