Our Church is Fully Accessible

The Ellington Congregational Church is dedicated to ensuring every person is welcomed fully into the life of our church. 

We offer designated handicapped parking spaces in the parking lot, with a ramp leading from the parking lot to the education wing. A wheel chair is available on premises. An elevator provides accesss to our Sanctuary, Social Rooms, and upstairs office and meeting rooms. The designated Handicapped Restroom is next to the elevator in the Social Room.  

During worship, we offer large-print bibles and bulletins as well as alternative and wheelchair seating.

For communion, we offer grape juice and a gluten-free alternative for the communion bread.  We take care to prevent cross-contamination.

Please contact the church office, any staff member, a Deacon, an Usher, or one of the pastors if you have any other special need.  No matter who you are, or what special needs you may have, you are welcomed here.